Netizens Horrified To See Street Hawker Pour Entire Can Of Condensed Milk Into Beverage

Netizens Horrified To See Street Hawker Pour Entire Can Of Condensed Milk Into Beverage


Fact: Adding a bit of condensed milk to a beverage or buttered toast makes it taste a lot better.

But one street hawker in Thailand took things too far, when she was filmed emptying an entire can of condensed milk into a drink.

00:16 Min

“First sip tastes like heaven, second sip takes you to heaven”

TikToker @ananblingbling posted the video that recently went viral, garnering some 12.3mil views.

The vid started with the hawker in the process of scooping out condensed milk from a can into a cup of what looks like a chocolate beverage.

What astonished netizens was when the hawker let the viscous milk flow freely… till the can was empty before disposing of it off-camera. Help lah.

The video attracted over 25,000 comments, with TikTokers making jokes like “first sip tastes like heaven, second sip takes you to heaven”, along with jabs about the drinker’s potential diabetic amputation.

This might be a good time to remind everyone that according to HealthHub, the recommended daily sugar intake “should be no more than 10 percent of our daily energy intake. For most adults, that is about 10 teaspoons (50g) of sugar based on a 2000-daily calorie intake.”

Video: TikTok/ @ananblingbling

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